VTI Services delivers a HLA (High Level Analysis) process for twisted pair test results that picks up anomalies within test data that may be as a result of accidental and/or malicious manipulation of in-field testing.
The Service
The HLA software uses a process that statistically analyses the test data presented for commonality between test results within a tolerance band. The tolerance band is based in part on the de-embedding and re-embedding of the test cord.
High Level Analysis (HLA) is an in-house process developed and offered only by VTI Services to identify anomalies within test data. The key attributes of HLA are as follows:
- The process compares test data of links and channels at key points and looks for similarities between the data.
- Test data for distinct links or channels should be unique when comparing data from different tests across a range of frequencies.
- Embedding and de-embedding test cords effects the reported results.
- It is possible that the test data of two distinct links or channels may be similar.
- Re-testing of the same link or channel produces similar (not identical) test data.
- The HLA process identifies anomalies within the test data, where the test data of two links or channels is more alike than that normally expected of two unique links or channels.
- The HLA identifies anomalies within test data but makes no claim why these anomalies have arisen. It is recommended that further investigation be undertaken to ascertain why these anomalies have occurred.
Points for Consideration
High Level Analysis (HLA) has found 44% (2013) Twisted Pair Test reports for projects processed by VTI Services have had some form of manipulation identified within their test results.